About Us

Media Center Mission
The mission of the NJES Media Center is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to explore the world through a variety of resources and to help all students become independent lifelong readers and users of information.
Book Check-Out Policy
Library books are checked out for a period of 2 weeks, after which they become overdue. Kindergarten -1st grades 1 book, 2nd-5th grades 2 books. Students are invited to return their books for other books on their library day, or at any time during the week.
Overdue Books
Students who have overdue library books or resources must return them before checking out more. Overdue notices will be printed and delivered to teachers on a regular basis. We do not charge fines for books that are overdue, however payment for lost books is expected. Refunds will be given for any books found and returned during the current school year.

Dana Doss
Media Resource Specialist
North Jackson Elementary School
1880 Old Gainesville Hwy.
Talmo, Ga. 30575
(706) 693-2246
Fax (706) 693-4389

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